Sindh Schools Closed on August 26 for Chehlum Observance

In a recent announcement, the Sindh Education Department declared that all public and private schools across the province will remain closed on Monday, August 26, in observance of the Chehlum of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).

This decision, officially confirmed through a departmental notification, was made by the department’s steering committee, ensuring a province-wide closure of educational institutions.

Significance of Chehlum

Chehlum marks the 40th day after the Day of Ashura, commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his 72 companions during the historic Battle of Karbala in 61 A.H.

This solemn occasion is a time of reflection and mourning for the Muslim community, as it honors the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), who stood against tyranny and injustice.

Sindh school closer date notification of monday august 26 2024

Observances Across the Province

The observance of Chehlum is characterized by religious rituals, including mourning processions, which will take place in various cities and towns throughout Sindh.

These processions, marked by deep reverence and devotion, serve as a reminder of the enduring legacy of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions. Given the importance of the occasion, authorities have planned heightened security measures to ensure the safety and smooth conduct of processions.

Religious scholars and community leaders are also expected to deliver sermons that highlight the significance of the sacrifices made during the Battle of Karbala.

Key Details of Sindh School Closure

Date of School ClosureMonday, August 26, 2024
Reason for ClosureObservance of Chehlum of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA)
Schools AffectedAll public and private schools across Sindh
Decision AuthoritySindh Education Department’s Steering Committee
Special ObservanceReligious rituals and mourning processions in various cities and towns
Security MeasuresHeightened security planned to ensure safety during processions

The closure of schools allows students and their families to participate in the Chehlum observances, paying homage to Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions.

This decision by the Sindh Education Department reflects the deep cultural and religious significance of Chehlum in the region. The province will witness widespread participation in the observance, as communities come together to honor the martyrs of Karbala.

This day of remembrance serves not only as a tribute to the past but also as a reminder of the values of justice, courage, and sacrifice that Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) stood for, inspiring generations to uphold these principles in their own lives.


The closure of schools in Sindh on August 26, in observance of Chehlum, underscores the deep respect and reverence that the people of the province hold for Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions. This day of remembrance is a powerful reminder of their unwavering stand against oppression and injustice.

As families and communities gather to honor these martyrs through religious rituals and processions, the observance of Chehlum continues to inspire and reinforce the values of courage, sacrifice, and steadfastness.

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