Summer Vacations 2024 Announced for Azad Jammu & Kashmir Schools and Colleges!

The Azad Jammu & Kashmir Education Department has announced the schedule for summer vacations in schools and colleges. The vacation period spans from June 8, 2024, to July 22, 2024.

During this time, all educational institutions will remain closed. Students can use this break to recharge and stay safe during the intense heatwave.

Additionally, school timings have been adjusted across the province due to the predicted severe heatwaves.

On weekdays, schools will operate from 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM, with classes concluding at 10:30 AM on Fridays.

Official Announcement

All public and private schools throughout Azad Jammu & Kashmir shall remain closed from Saturday, June 8, 2024, to Wednesday, July 22, 2024, for summer vacation. It further added that “all schools in Azad Jammu & Kashmir shall reopen with effect from Thursday, July 23, 2024.

School Safety Measures During Summer Vacations

As we embark on the summer break, let’s prioritize safety for our students. The adjusted school timings aim to shield students from extreme heat.

With temperatures soaring, the safety and well-being of students take precedence. The vacation ensures that students remain out of harm’s way during these scorching months. Remember to stay hydrated and take the necessary precautions during these scorching months.

Academic Disruption

While the extended break disrupts the academic routine, it serves a vital purpose. Students can recharge, explore new interests, and spend quality time with their families. Educators are encouraged to engage students in productive activities beyond textbooks.

Adjusted School Timings in Azad Jammu & Kashmir

In light of the scorching heatwave, the Azad Jammu & Kashmir Education Department has implemented adjusted school hours. From June 8, 2024, until July 22, 2024, schools will operate from 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM on weekdays.

Additionally, there will be an early closure at 10:30 AM on Fridays. This measure aims to ensure students’ safety during the intense summer months.

Heat Safety Tips for Children in Summer

When the temperature soars, it’s crucial to protect your children from heat-related illnesses. Here are some essential tips:

  1. Never Leave Children in Parked Cars: Even in moderate temperatures, vehicles can rapidly heat up to dangerous levels. Always supervise children, and never leave them unattended.
  2. Stay Informed: Be aware of weather forecasts and heat advisories. Know the signs of heat-related illnesses. Seek shelter in cool places. Plan outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day (early morning or evening). Find air-conditioned spaces like libraries or shopping malls.
  3. Weight Light clothing and sunscreen: Dress children in loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Apply sunscreen to protect their skin from harmful UV rays.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Encourage kids to drink plenty of fluids. Avoid very cold drinks or those with excessive sugar.

Other Cities Announcement Update








In conclusion, the summer vacation for 2024 in Azad Jammu & Kashmir’s schools and colleges is set to be a time of relaxation and rejuvenation.

With the break spanning from June 8 to July 22, students have the opportunity to explore new interests, spend quality time with their families, and stay safe during the intense heatwave.

The adjusted school timing also aims to protect students from the extreme summer temperatures. As we look forward to this break, let’s remember to stay hydrated, take necessary precautions, and make the most of this summer vacation.


When do the summer vacations start and end in Azad Jammu & Kashmir’s schools and colleges?

The summer vacations are set to commence on June 8, 2024, and will last until July 22, 2024.

What are the adjusted school times during the summer months?

On weekdays, schools will operate from 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM, with classes concluding at 10:30 AM on Fridays.

Will teachers be available for guidance during the vacation period?

Yes, teachers will remain available for any online guidance for students during the vacation period.

What safety measures are recommended for students during the summer break?

Students are advised to stay hydrated, avoid very cold drinks or those with excessive sugar, wear light clothing and sunscreen, and never stay unattended in parked cars.

When will educational activities resume after the summer break?

Educational activities in Azad Jammu & Kashmir are expected to resume on July 23, 2024.

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